Thursday, May 3, 2012

Evening glory..!

Evening glory..!

Perhaps a good day would ensure a perfect evening..

Opening the door and just smiling at the thought of a wonderful day I proceed to keep the keys in the rack,a rare thing to do on my part,all thanks to that wonderful day!

Humming a tune,I head towards the washroom,turn on the tap and splash water across my face,every drop soothing my strained nerves and I pick up a towel to wash my face intentionally leaving behind a trail of droplets to let them cool my nerves.Further I think for a moment and head towards the kitchen,wondering about the simplicity of my problem whether to add a charm to this already lovely evening with a dash of coffee or a cutting chai?!

Amused at the very thought of lovely evening I decide to go for a cup of cutting chai,continuing to hum a new tune,flawlessly adding adrak to the ubhalehuye chai and relishing the sweetness of the tune with the  aroma of a perfect chai,after this mind  soliloquy I say  taaliyaan!

Pour it into my gilaas ,which everybody call the rasthe main milne waale sasthe chai ki gilaas,well let them mock but I really enjoy sipping my cutting chai in that cup.The aroma teases you to sip it a little  before you settle down,ah!my taste buds I never disappoint them!

I pick up my earphones and head towards my most favourite hangout,my terrace,the one place I have just reserved for my evenings.I step up the ladder and land between two large water drums,a perfect settee.I settle down gazing at the evening sky,the best part of my life getting lost in the magical setting.

Life seems picture perfect at that moment.My roof will be the endless sky,painted in varied hues of orange,purple,blue,yellow,white and with such mastery that you can but be amused searching for enough words to describe.So it is at that moment I just settle down brushing aside every rational thought I have and for a moment I feel the child in me is just gazing innocently at that beauty with hands holding the chin and cutely pouting.Just then my cutting chai awakes me from that dream when I am lost in that moment while I was trying to keep it near my cheeks,to feel the warmth,for the cool breeze adds to the charm.

It is when the city is getting decked up with neon lights as the sun sets inch by inch giving an impression as though its being gobbled up by something or somebody is vanishing the colours on the canvas and taking away that last bit of that bright orange yellow shade.With every second the canvas changes,leaving you awestruck at that digital painting every now and then enhanced by the sudden appearance of a sway of birds in flight making a signature on that canvas.

The slow transition in that twilight moment when I feel,for every inch of the setting sun earth is getting decked up with a light here and there,culminating in a breathtaking climax of the city completely decked up with jewels made up of all possible different lights varying in colour and intensity as stones in that jewel and the sky shyly discerning to the oblivion leaving a chance for the city to shine.

With melody overpouring through my headphone I just realize that this is the beauty of zindagi paused.You need to click on the pause button and just sit back and enjoy without battling with rational,irrational and what not thoughts.Let nature amuse you,let the child in you come to the fore,let life get its dose of innocence as seen in its nascent stage,just sit and ponder,zindagi kabhi rukthi nahi,but we need to do that,zindagi paused!

Sounds all too cliché for some but letting yourself feel as a carefree child,brings in thodi zindagi to your life!my mind traces back at those zindagi paused moments!

The joy of experiencing first showers of the season,the first drop that kisses your skin makes you throw away everything around in joy(oh!it wont happen unless you are as crazy as me!!),waiting to get drenched,enjoy the pitter patter on your window sill,and getting muddy playing in the puddle, accidentally catching a ball thrown at you and reminiscing at the first thought that crosses your mind,a smile appears slowly at the corner of your lips from no where!!lowering the window glass when you are travelling when you are signaled for a shower by nature through thunder storm with lightning and slowly putting your face out enjoying the breeze followed by the first few drops of rain,and inadvertently pulling your palm over the window forgetting all the rules of the being the so called civic!

walking across a busy street on an evening to find people forging each other over a set of display screens and you join in the mayhem without realizing you raise your hands in joy and scream sixxxx!at times sharing the joy with any other person standing besides you and after a moment wondering at what you did a secong ago, the rational thoughts drawing  you back into your own civic cocoon!

Sometimes waiting for your turn at the grocery store outside the supermarket I Look longingly at a father-daughter animated conversation with the vendor over a balloon  while the father is carrying his princess on his shoulders,a cute little pouting,sweet dialogues and reasoning, father gives in after accepting defeat and a false pretention of being angry they proceed to buy.The father gets a glimpse of the immense joy of his kid trying to hold the big balloon in those tiny hands and getting lost playing.Looking at those cute little antics and a satisfactory smile on father’s face  the scene ends there making you ponder over your own memories and that thought of innocence!

While I am on my way holding a handful of bags,I pass across a bunch of youngsters clinging to their bags sitting on the steps of a closed shop waiting for their buses,meanwhile chatting,hooting,teasing,engrossed in themselves despite people aroung staring or should I say irritated or I better say disappointed,few folks do argue about the youth wasting energy over these petty and silly stuff!i would say it’s a part of their irritation over mundane leaving them in a fix to wonder what makes these kids be that carefree!i would say don’t analyse just be amused!

I feel as I proceed through every galli I see glimpses of my life being enacted all over again by a different set of actors!zindagi main thoda life brought in by these zindagi paused moments!

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